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brandon mychal smith造句

  • Ty is determined to find the girl he met with the help of TJ ( Brandon Mychal Smith ) but fails.
  • At a hip hop battle contest, Cyrus calls out the winner, an arrogant rapper named Lord of Da Bling ( Brandon Mychal Smith ).
  • In 2014, actor Brandon Mychal Smith won critical acclaim for his portrayal of Little Richard in the James Brown biographical drama film " Get on Up ".
  • Brandon Mychal Smith portrayed an exaggerated version of the character in a sketch based on " The Suite Life on Deck ", in the " So Random ! " episode " Cole & Dylan Sprouse ".
  • The series features the actors who acted in " Sonny with a Chance ", besides Lovato : Tiffany Thornton, Sterling Knight, Brandon Mychal Smith, Doug Brochu, and Allisyn Ashley Arm along with other featured actors who recur in the series.
  • The video features appearances from Lovato's " Sonny with a Chance " co-stars Allisyn Ashley Arm, Doug Brochu, Sterling Knight, Michael Kostroff, Brandon Mychal Smith and Tiffany Thornton, as well as Lovato's older sister Dallas Lovato.
  • The six main characters are Sonny Monroe ( Demi Lovato ), Tawni Hart ( Tiffany Thornton ), Chad Dylan Cooper ( Sterling Knight ), Nico Harris ( Brandon Mychal Smith ), Grady Mitchell ( Doug Brochu ), and Zora Lancaster ( Allisyn Ashley Arm ).
  • The cast of " Sonny with a Chance " . ( Left to right ) Tiffany Thornton as Tawni Hart, Doug Brochu as Grady Mitchell, Demi Lovato as Sonny Munroe, Sterling Knight as Chad Dylan Cooper, Allisyn Ashley Arm as Zora Lancaster and Brandon Mychal Smith as Nico Harris.
  • Angry with the way the paparazzi forced Christopher to lie and hide himself from the real world, she confronts the paparazzi camped outside her house, and tells them that they destroyed him and that she " never met [ the Christopher that they were all so obsessed with ] . " Christopher's best friend, Stubby ( Brandon Mychal Smith ) convinces Christopher to make his own choices.
  • She is assisted by fellow cast members and new friends Tawni Hart ( Tiffany Thornton ), Nico Harris ( Brandon Mychal Smith ), Grady Mitchell ( Doug Brochu ) and Zora Lancaster ( Allisyn Ashley Arm ), along with Chad Dylan Cooper ( Sterling Knight ), the star of " Mackenzie Falls ", the rival tween TV show of " So Random ! ".
  • It's difficult to see brandon mychal smith in a sentence. 用brandon mychal smith造句挺难的
  • *Edited by PH and ZB : Ashley Argota , Bonnie Hunt , Brandon Mychal Smith , Casey Kelso , Christopher Masterson , Damon Wayans, Jr . , Dance Flick , Danielle Bisutti, Donna Pinciotti , Eric Forman , Fez ( That'70s Show ) , Freddie Benson ( iCarly Character ) , ICarly ( soundtrack ), J . D . ( Scrubs ) , Jackie Burkhart , Jason Earles , Kitty Forman , Laurie Forman , List of characters on Zoey 101 , List of iCarly episodes , Randy Pearson , Red Forman , Robbie Amell, Wesley Jonathan 
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